
Project Management is the art and science of navigating a group endeavor which is aimed at achieving a set of well defined goals and objectives for a fixed outcome, in a set time-frame,  with listed resources and within a prescribed budget, utilising specific tools and techniques, in a transparent and accountable manner. 

While it may be that practically any project being implemented involves its supervision and facilitation by those responsible for overseeing it, the processes has been studied scientifically over time and best practices have been defined for carrying out the same functions for a controlled, predictable and more effective outcome via Professional Project Management practices.

We at Assam Ergo prefer to be in the latter category and our Team includes and is supported by qualified professionals with core Project Management experience, training and certifications from premier institutes recognised nationally and globally.

We offer Project Management Consultancy & Supervision services as a standalone service or in combination with Design Consultancy services.

How does Professional Project Management help you?

Be it Projects involving Interior Design, Product Design, Architecture, Civil Construction or any stream of design and production including publishing, graphic design, CGI, software development, or even marketing campaigns or event management, or any other endeavor carried out for a fixed outcome, the stages of fulfilment of a client’s requirement are broadly five in number. 

These may be reconfigured, adjusted, and applied to large corporate projects or standalone personal projects and situations. 

We have listed these stages below in Project Management parlance with a brief explanation in layman’s terms as applicable to Design Build projects, to be specific:

This is the stage in which you, the client, and we, the consultants, connect and identify a broad charter of your wants and needs, accounting for the feasibility and the inputs required, and a framework of the creative, technical, managerial and financial aspects of how to achieve our common goal, i.e a well designed and well-executed space, structure or product, designed and built exclusively for you. We also establish who the stakeholders are, and how they contribute, when and how often, and to what effect, in measurable terms.
At this stage, a Service Proposal and further the formal Project Charter is drawn up, which lists all the above factors in a systematic manner, so as to provide a reference document through the rest of the stages.
In Architecture, Construction and Engineering, which also includes Interior Design and other specialisations, a Project could be Design-only, Design-Build, Build-only, Manage-only or Design and Manage, in accordance with which the deliverables are listed and the Project Charter is drawn up.

This is the most crucial stage. This is where the ball gets rolling on ground. Once we both agree on an understanding of the brass tacks of the aesthetic, technical and budgetary aspects of your needs in the initiation phase, we build a specific roadmap here in the planning stage which leads to the project going into execution.
In this stage, your needs and wants are translated into schematics or base 2D drawings, and on approval, we develop detail designs with 3D visualisation if so desired, draw up a schedule of materials and finishes, and develop a detailed cost estimate for your approval or that of your bank, as part of the process of Design Consultancy and contributing to Project Management.
We also prepare, share and agree on a clear scope of work, a resource list of manpower, materials and equipment, a scheduled plan of budget allocations, and a work breakdown structure with a responsibility matrix connected with defined milestones with a timeline, a communication plan, and a risk management plan, all of which falls within pure Project Management. In short, in this stage, the official script of your blockbuster project, is written and released.
Depending on the nature of the project, and our arrangement with each other, we develop and deliver most of the design deliverables in-house, or help you have them developed by a third party design consultant, and act purely as Project Management Consultants, as the case may be.

At this stage both of us know what exactly to expect and we start getting it done. In case of design build, production teams are mobilised and deployed, material resources are procured and plans are executed as per a set sequence and schedule. There is a lot happening all around and you can start seeing your project taking physical shape.
Multi-functional teams are deployed for project management and supervision at this stage, each member with their specific roles, but coordinating closely with each other, to reach common targets and goals.
Substantial collaborative efforts and constant structured communication are key to successful implementation of the execution stage.

In this stage, we see to it that all key milestones and quality levels estimated in the planning phase are achieved in tune with budgetary control points and timelines.
Since projects also develop a life of their own, controlled adjustments requiring tailoring of goals and methods are expected and can be made as and when required, for a shared and evolving route to meeting agreed upon objectives. In technical terms this may be called configuration management, which may happen in cycles throughout the lifecycle of the project.
Tailoring is the keyword, deviation is not.

As and when milestones are met, teams exit in turn as your project progresses and moves towards closure, after thorough quality checks, documentation at each stage and handover to further teams till a stage is reached where we turn over the completed project site to you, as per agreed upon levels of finish, and satisfaction on other objectives of the project.
Further, completion analysis and documentation, user orientation sessions and closure reports and feedback mark an end of active involvement in developing your project.
Sufficient measures are taken to deliver a set of documented guidelines for efficient operation and maintenance of your home, workspace, site or product even after we exit from the project.

A well planned, well executed and well controlled project gives us immense sense of gratification for having professionally contributed towards reaching your desired objectives and outcome.

After all, our greatest gain in the entire project very well could be you, a satisfied customer, our biggest  contributing asset towards growth. 

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